BACKBONE EM Impact Health

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Healthcare services to middle-low income population


This compartment helps filling the gap in the access to healthcare services among the vulnerable population in Mexico. Suburban inhabitants of large cities and communities in remote landscape areas are suffering a lack of healthcare services at affordable price.

The portfolio is operated by Gratia (local partner in Mexico) and it is made up of clinics healthcare centers and doctor’s offices which are a true alternative to the poor public healthcare system. At June 2020, Garantia already managed for its own account a USD 10 million portfolio of leased equipment to SMEs, out of them USD 5.7 millions are in the medical sector.




Key data:

Amount suscribed at 30/04/2021 :

€ 3.100.000 (31/05/2021) Objective : € 15.000.000


around 6% p.a. (coupon to be paid annually)


April 2026

Risks and guarantees:

currency, countries and counterparty risks. At least the capitala will be covered against the EUR/MXN currency risk.
guarantee coverage at 100% (assignement of the leasing contracts and of the equipment : personal surety of the doctors)



Your impact ?

  • Focus on the human capital development and protection of dignity of the persons. Main selection criteria:

– SME taking care of their employees through fair wage policy, extra benefits in-kind, skills enhancement supported by training, etc…

– SME providing products and services of first need to low-income populations.

  • Examples of achievement (31/05/2021):
    • more than 100 SMEs financed in sectors such as food ; primary and secondary schools ; public transportation by coaches ; first aid medical care (maternity, radiology, orthopaedics…)
    • all SMEs must comply with the SDG*8 (decent work and sustainable growth)  * Sustainable Development Goals for 2030 (developped by the UNO)

Local financial partner:

Mexican financial institution, specialized in equipment leasing to companies, with 30 years of experience in the financial and banking sector and a good knowledge of the health sector in Mexico.


Who is our partner? :

  • Luxembourg-based Private Debt company which has implemented ambitious ethics principles in financing of not- listed growing SMEs in emerging countries,
  •  that grants direct loans ranging in the range $ 50,000 to $ 400,000 with a maturity up to 48 months.
  • Each loan is co-financed (up to 80% by our partner) with a local financial  (at least 20%).
  • The Investment Committee is advised by well-experienced investors and various technical experts (in topics like ethics for instance)

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